Private Equity

Asilia Partners is a private investment firm that provides flexible equity and debt capital to strategically viable businesses striving to achieve their full potential. We are value investors and seek situations where value can be unlocked through additional capital, people, or ingenuity.

Our approach is to partner with motivated business owners to create significant value through, first, focusing on organizational health, and then using data, technology, and capital resources to grow and improve operations. Our nimble organization and investor base enable us to offer non-traditional capital and business solutions, over short or long hold periods, to ensure we can focus on maximizing value no matter the situation.

Expertise in four key investment types

We are opportunistic and will invest capital wherever and whenever we find value, but we have historically found success investing in the four types of situations listed below.


Complex & Challenging Situations

We like complex deals that others may not like. Family-owned businesses going through transition, difficult ownership structure considerations, divestitures, corporate carveouts, and other complex deals often need custom, creative, non-traditional financing and structuring solutions from nimble capital sponsors. That's us. Finding value in unconventional areas is one of our core competencies.


Buy-&-Build Platform Opportunities

An attractive business for us is one that has multiple ways to grow value - both organically and through acquisitions - along with a leading or emerging market position that would result in scale benefits. Our approach is to identify sectors of interest with optimal scale benefits, to develop an investment thesis, and then to find the best available companies and operators in that sector to partner with us.


or Capital Constraints

We love to invest in businesses that have stagnated due to lack of adequate investment in people, processes, technology, equipment, or facilities. This often occurs in businesses with founder-owners that either don't have access to capital or are unable to make investments due to their personal risk profile. In these situations, a needed capital infusion has the potential to result in a step-change improvement in revenue and/or margins.


Hidden or Dormant Option Component

We look for deals that have a hidden or dormant component of value that can be unlocked with additional capital, people, or ingenuity. Often, these "options" (e.g., an orphaned division, a new product that has yet to take off, the hiring of a missing key employee, etc.) are undervalued or not valued at all. If discovered, options like these can provide transformative results with a disproportional risk-to-reward profile.

Our investment approach
and why we succeed

We are flexible, nimble, and non-traditional

With our investor base and fund set up the way it is, we can be flexible in the way we structure and finance business deals, and we can be intentional about the length of our hold periods (short-term or long-term). We can be nimble and opportunistic when speed and creativity are required.

We seek true partnerships with entrepreneurs

We strive to forge true partnerships with motivated business owners/operators. This means that we require, in most cases, that the operators roll meaningful equity positions in our deals alongside us and that they play a major role in the development of our go-forward strategic plans. Without this unified approach, obtaining the lofty goals we set together is nearly impossible.

We are committed to organizational health

Improving or developing organizational health is one of the biggest opportunities for any business and is Asilia's highest priority post-acquisition. Together with management, we focus on creating strategic alignment with all team members, setting ambitious company-wide goals, aligning financial incentives, eliminating waste, harnessing healthy conflict and debate, creating a culture of accountability, and more. If the organization is healthy, good results will follow.

We are data- and technology-driven

We utilize data and technology to help find and capture value. We understand, however, that implementing new technology and processes to capture and utilize data is often a major undertaking that requires the efforts of the entire team. Thus, we take care to only use data as as a supplement and will never prioritize it over the real drivers of value in an organization: its people.

We are value-driven in all respects

We focus on value and don't waste time, energy, or resources on activities that will create little or no tangible value. Value is not typically unlocked in the form of cutting costs or driving the bottom line, but in taking care of our people, providing excellent care to our customers, and delivering quality goods and services.

What we are looking for in a business and a partner

We are actively looking to deploy capital and partner with good businesses. If you believe your business could benefit from a partnership with Asilia Partners, please let us know.


$10-$100 million


$2-$8 million


$5-$20 million


North America


Business Services, Consumer Services, Industrials, Niche Manufacturing


Control and non-control equity, structured products, debt


Proven operators who desire to partner with us by rolling a meaningful equity stake